Theme and media queries
The theme is an object where you can store anything you want readily available, such as colors, fonts and more. Likewise the media object is a place to store media queries you want to re-use throughout your code.
Add the Panache Provider at the top of your component tree. Pass theme and media objects as props to the provider.
import { PanacheProvider } from 'panache'const theme = {colors: {primary: '#333',accent: 'blue',},fonts: {regular: 'Akzidenz-Grotesk, sans-serif'}}const media = {small: '@media(max-width: 768px)'}
<PanacheProvider media={media} theme={theme}><App /></PanacheProvider>
You can then access the theme and media objects as props further down the component tree.
const MyComponent = panache.div(({ theme, media }) => ({color: theme.colors.primary,fontSize: '18px',[media.small]: {fontSize: '16px'}}))