PanacheStyled Objects Library

Theme and media queries

The theme is an object where you can store anything you want readily available, such as colors, fonts and more. Likewise the media object is a place to store media queries you want to re-use throughout your code.

Add the Panache Provider at the top of your component tree. Pass theme and media objects as props to the provider.

import { PanacheProvider } from 'panache'
const theme = {
colors: {
primary: '#333',
accent: 'blue',
fonts: {
regular: 'Akzidenz-Grotesk, sans-serif'
const media = {
small: '@media(max-width: 768px)'
<PanacheProvider media={media} theme={theme}>
<App />

You can then access the theme and media objects as props further down the component tree.

const MyComponent = panache.div(({ theme, media }) => ({
color: theme.colors.primary,
fontSize: '18px',
[media.small]: {
fontSize: '16px'